Personal Training Packages
Let's get Started!
A typical session lasts for one hour (please enquire for 30, 45 and 90 minute options) and can happen at your home (inside or out), at various gyms and studios in Brighouse, at ActivZone Studio in Morley, Leeds, at work or in a local park. I also offer real-time online Personal Training, using an app that allows you to see and communicate with me, and me to see and communicate with you – so technique can still be checked. Ideal for those travelling, or if you live further afield.
It is advisable to opt for Fitness Testing for your first session in order to set your starting out point so we can measure how you move forward and is another aid for me to set the correct level of exercises.
You have the option of warming up before the start so you get more out of your time (the amount of warm-up required depends on your fitness level, plus time and weather are considered). After warming up the session then turns in whichever direction you have opted for.
Fitness & Fat Loss Sessions
I have a wide range of equipment (including Dumbbells, Barbells, kettle bells, sandbells, medicine balls, stability ball, BOSU, ViPRs, wobble board, steps, skipping ropes, cones, resistance bands and tubes, trampoline, speed ladder, boxing and Thai boxing equipment, mats and more) and can either bring this to you or you may choose to use items from your own home.
Cardiovascular work can take place on any cardio equipment you may own, or outside, or using a variety of our equipment or using just the floor or your stair case. The options are endless, all that is required is some lateral thinking and safe and effective training methods.
Each session will also target all the major muscles in the body with resistance exercises, with an emphasis on one or two targeted areas if required.A period of less intense exercises will come at the end in aid to your body to cool down. This is followed by stretches.
In each session exercises will be tweaked to work you to your full potential. You can opt for a full program that will be changed and advanced usually on a 6 week basis. This is as your body adapts within 4-8 weeks, so we alter the program so you continue to see change rather than plateau. And of course it also helps stop boredom setting in. Alternatively you may choose to do a different workout each week, or perhaps a mix of the two. This can be discussed at your FREE consultation.

1-to-1 Pilates
1-to-1 Pilates is also something I offer. Perhaps you are new to Pilates and are daunted by going to a class? Or perhaps you feel you are being held up by others in a class, or just want to perfect your technique.
I am happy focus on Pilates mat based exercises and provide a mind and body educational exercise program that can be practiced practically anywhere.
You will increase your core strength, gain more body awareness, stretch tightened muscles, work on imbalances and at the end feel a sense of well-being.

Pre & Postnatal
If you are having a healthy pregnancy there is no reason why you cannot exercise throughout your pregnancy, in fact research shows it gives to a healthier baby, easier birth and better recovery. It is of course a case of being sensible, adapting certain exercises in your different trimesters and at this time more than any other, really listening to your body.
There are special considerations once you have given birth too, such as how relaxing will still be effecting your stability, how to work the abdominals and pelvic floor muscles correctly and how to work on returning your posture. Babies are welcome at these sessions – solving your childcare issues.

Corrective Exercise
People recovering or suffering from a persistent injury or back pain often require a more targeted and gentle approach. Often a weak core and postural muscles is the underlying cause. I can help you understand how to correctly activate these muscles and get them to start doing what they are designed to do and hopefully leave you in less pain and able to live a more active life and enjoy a fully range of exercise.
Core testing can be undertaken as the first session so it is possible to track your progress. In order to improve your posture we also address muscle imbalance, and start strengthening weak and lengthened muscles and start stretching tight and shortened muscles.
Equipment used includes Foam Rollers, thera-band and wobble board.

Event preparation and Sports Specific
Maybe you have an event coming up and have not run outside before and you want an entire session learning to jog outside, that is not a problem. As a Run England coach I can take you through improving your distance and/or speed, breathing techniques and stride work.
You will also be provided with the back-up of a running plan to get you through it. I also help with events/sports other than running such as obstacle courses and triathlons. Once your race is out of the way though we would suggest a more rounded program.
This type of training can also be used to help with movement and power for sport such as tennis and golf.

Personal Training for 2
Personal Training with another person - for those wanting to train with a friend, relation or colleague.
Advantages include:-
- Get in shape together
- Spur each other on
- Increase the enjoyment
- Save money
- Healthy competition
- Share the journey
Please note that pT for 2 works best with partners of similar fitness levels and goals, but this is not essential.
* see Payment options for the price per person

Small Group Training
Have you always wanted a Personal Trainer but your budget wouldn't stretch that far? Well we have the perfect solution for you!
Small group training takes aspects of both 1 to 1 training and fitness classes and combines them to get great results for a small group of colleagues with a more a personal approach than a larger class, but with the motivation you gain from taking part with others. Find a group of friends or colleagues with a similar goal and a time that suits. Exercises can be regressed and progressed and even changed to suit each person in the group.
Work out 1-2 times per week with a small group (no more than 10 people) with a Rebecca Pollard Personal Trainer to lead you through a challenging, full body workout that help your reach your personal best regardless of your current level of fitness.
Each workout is based on exercise progression and will leave you feeling motivated and ready for the next challenge - Rebecca will make sure that everyone gets the very best from these sessions.
Within weeks you will feel the benefits.
Benefits include…
- The group is still small enough to benefit from the ‘Personal Training’ aspect
- Cost effective for individuals
- Maintains quality of training
- Group situation is very motivational
- Fun interaction between participants
- Effective moral / team building
- Brings together people with a similar goal
- You exercise with others to help motivate you to achieve more
- The work out intensity can be geared to you personally
- Provide guidance for those not sure of what to do to gain results
Please get in contact along with how many would like to train for an idea of the price.

Nutritional Consultation
No fads for us!
The Nutritional consultation looks in depth at you diet and lifestyle. Every food we eat provides the body with a range of nutrients, each with its own role to play. I analyse your dietary intake to look at the balance between protein, carbohydrates and fat and advise you on how you compare with the World Health Organisations recommendations. I look at foods that provide slow release energy and fibre and how this fits in what you are eating and offer advice on small changes you can make to feel positive benefits.
In addition to looking at what is going into your body, I also look at your caloric outtake which is your energy expenditure. I am then able to compare the two figures and see any calorific imbalances.
Once you have booked your Nutritional & Dietary Consultation I will send you information on Dietary& Activity Diaries I require you to complete and return in advance of your appointment date. Please note due to the analysis work which goes into preparing your report we must have completed diaries returned to us at least one week before your appointment, failure to do this will mean having to rearrange the appointment.
A consultation lasts around 40-45 minutes. Qualify for a reduced fee when taken with Personal Training.
The cost also covers the time and resources spent researching and writing your report, plus the fee includes our costs and time in traveling to your requested location. Each consultation must be paid for in advance. A 24 hour cancellation charge applies.

Health & Fitness Passport
Did you know that a Sedentary Lifestyle carries the same health risk as smoking a packet of cigarettes a day OR being 20% overweight?
How is YOUR health and fitness?
You may think you know how healthy or fit you are, but do you really?
Without accurate information how can you be sure you are getting the best quality of life that you deserve?
I am able to take you through a range of static and dynamic health and fitness assessments which will help determine health risks and your fitness level so you can make positive changes to improve your longevity.
An Assessment lasts around 50-60 minutes, or comes as part of the first Personal Training session.
The fee also covers the time and resources spent researching and writing your report, plus the fee includes our costs and time in traveling to your requested location. Each assessment must be paid for in advance. A 24 hour cancellation charge applies.
Everyone’s health can benefit from introducing moderate activity into daily life combined with watching nutritional and dietary intake.
Here are just a few of the positive benefits...

- Stronger immune system
- Increased metabolic rate
- Decreased chance of injury
- Decreased risk of Heart Disease
- Combat/Control Bone Disease
- Improves blood flow to brain
- Aid mental health
- Less dependency on medications
- Lower blood pressure
- Decrease cholesterol
- Better ability to deal with stress
- Aid sleeping patterns
We can help the activity side either by Personal Training or through Group Exercise Classes . We can also assist you in your nutrtional needs too.
I am also qualified in GP Refferal and Pre/Post Natal , please enquire for further details.
I can also provide you with real-time, face to face, online personal training, click the button to find out more!