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27th April 2017
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Legs & Plank upper & downer workout

Legs and Plank upper and downer workout

This workout can be completed in a small space, so is ideal for home, holidays and working away. All that is needed is either a mat/carpeted floor/rug, or grass.


This workout will target all over the body. Half of the exercises are legs combined with cardio, and the other half of the exercises target the abs, waist and upper body.


Each exercise is partnered with another and once you have completed ALL the exercises, you will repeat a further 2 times. Each time you go back to the start the time length of the exercise changes. You will do all the exercises labelled a) for 60 seconds the first round, 40 seconds the second round and 20 seconds the third round. Exercises labelled b) will be 20 seconds the first round, 40 seconds the second round and 60 seconds the third round. In other words, the a) exercises are decreasing it time, and the b) exercises are increasing in time. Although for a variation, you could swap that round.


Before you start!
With all the exercises, keep the abs drawn in. If the knees or back start to hurt, stop and reset your position, if this continues, try the regression where applicable, or stop if it still continues.

1a) On the spot alternating skip

  • Skip the right knee in the air, at the same time as swinging a bent left arm in front.
  • Return to the start and repeat on the other side with a skip in the step

  • Regression: Keep core held in and perform the move without the skip, lifting alternate knees as high as possible, whilst swing the opposite arm

1b) Mountain climber plank

  • Starting in a plank position with wrists directly below shoulders, bring alternate knees into chest. Keep bottom no higher than shoulder height

2a) Side step, with touch down and heal tap

  • Side step 2 steps to the right.
  • Then touch left hand to the floor
  • Lift right foot and bend inwards and touch with left hand.
  • Side step 2 steps the left
  • Then touch right hand to the floor
  • Lift left foot and bend inwards and touch with right hand.

2b) Twisting plank

  • Start in a plank on the forearms
  • Lift the right arm and rotate to the right side until right hip is directly above the left hip
  • Return the centre
  • Repeat to the lift

  • Regression: Perform the move with the plank on the knees

3a) Jumping lunge

  • Stand with right leg forward, and left leg back, both knees bent to a right angle
  • Simultaneously jump both feet up and the front foot to the back position and vice versa
  • Keep shoulders above hips throughout

  • Regression: Step the right leg forward and bend both legs to 90 degrees
  • Step the right leg back in, and then repeat the action with the left leg

3b) Plank arm walk to low squat

  • Starting in a plank position with wrists direcetly below shouldres
  • Move onto your right forarm, then left forarm, then return onto right hand, then left hand
  • Jump both legs towards chest into a low squat, at the same time lifting both hands
  • Return hands to the floor
  • Jump both feet back to the plank postion

  • Regression: Go onto the knees for the arm walk.
  • Step one leg in/out at a time, rather than jumping

4a) Curtsey lunge with rainbow sweep

  • Start with legs hip-distance apart
  • Sweep arms overhead in an arc shape whilst moving the right leg diagonally behind the left leg and bending both knees (into a curtsey position)
  • Sweep arms overhead in an arc shape whilst moving the leg diagonally behind the right leg and bending both knees (into a curtsey position)

4b) Plank reverse leg cross over

  • Start in a plank on the forearms
  • Lift right leg and cross it over the left leg towards the floor
  • Return to the start and repeat the other way round

  • Regression: Start in an all 4’s position, wrists under shoulders and knees under hips
  • Lengthen alternate legs behind to hip height, focusing on keeping the hips level

5a) Squat star jump

  • Start with legs hip distance apart and arms by the side
  • Jump both legs wide whilst sinking into a squat and at the same time lift the arms out to the side
  • Jump your legs back to the start position whilst returning your arms to your side

  • Regression: Start in the same position
  • Step right leg out to the side whilst lifting both arms
  • Sink into a squat, keep your weight even in both legs, bottom going directly behind
  • Step your right leg back in whilst returning your arms to your side
  • Repeat with the left leg stepping out

5b) Tricep push up and floor star plank

  • Starting in a plank position with wrists direcetly below shouldres
  • Bend both arms, keeping elbows tucked in and lower chest
  • Straighten arms and jump legs wide
  • Jump legs in

  • Regression: Perform the push up on your knees
  • Step right leg out to the side, then back in
  • Repeat with left leg

No more excuses

So no more excuses……. time to give it a go If you are unsure of how to perform any of the exercises correctly or want your technique checking; why not book in for a bespoke real-time online training session (you can see me and I can see you correct your technique). Plus, as an added bonus, have your exercise program emailed through to you afterwards for you to refer to – so again, no excuses. How to book and prices can be found @ http://everybod.com/online-training/

Rebecca has a been a Personal Trainer and Pilates instructor for 10 years, and a Run England/Run Together. She has helped many people reach their health and fitness goals. If you need want to find out more please get in touch for further information and how Rebecca can help; Rebecca@everybod.com / www.everybod.com / 07984159824.

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